Duty as a 'Local Celebrity'
Duty as a ‘Local Celebrity’ Our family business had a relationship with a local sportscaster for promotions. Ken Dobson, known as ‘The Dobber,’ became a dear friend who passed away much too soon. Ken started his career in Montreal and often spoke of his friendship with sports legends so I immediately phoned him when we booked hockey great Larry Robinson for an autograph signing event at our store. Ken was ill then but his frail voice was excited and he said he’d stop by with his son and grandson. When my father and I had lunch with Larry before the event, I said that Ken would attend yet Larry seemed puzzled and asked that I point him out when he arrived. So when Ken approached with his family I whispered in Larry’s ear “that’s Ken Dobson, ‘the Dobber.’” When Larry Robinson interrupted his signing of autographs, got up from his chair and exclaimed “Ken Dobson, my goodness, how is ‘The Dobber’”, Ken’s smile momentarily hid his illness. Larry ...