
Showing posts from June, 2020

High Profile Doesn't Mean Approval

High Profile Doesn’t Mean Approval I was elected Aldermen in 1986 by only a few votes and immediately worked hard at trying to increase my profile.   Not proud to admit that I’d ponder ‘one liner’s’ prior to a Council Meeting hoping to catch a headline – even choose to enrage a colleague so as to give a reporter a confrontation to report on.   My name in a headline would help my profile – a picture would be ideal. When you are starting out in politics, it seems anything that raises your profile is worth it – even controversy - but as time goes by this isn’t the case.   I noticed a couple of high profile defeats during my early days in office.   First there was a Mayor in the region who ran in a provincial election, was known far better than the other candidates but would finish second.   Seems his negatives were so strong that a lot of voters would rather vote for someone they didn’t know than for him.   Another example was when a radio personal...