
Showing posts from May, 2019

Chapter - Park the Rage and Work the Agenda

Chapter – Park the Rage and Work the Agenda I have a temper – this is something I’ve learned to manage – maybe. My poor parents suffered through many a temper tantrum from this child and teenager.   Thankfully my temper rarely flares as an adult - maturity finally kicks in. Yet for me it is not just maturity - it has to be a conscious effort.   I realized that to achieve my goals I couldn’t let my temper get in the way.   I think the pivotal moment was in 1986 – yes, I was 32 years old and finally wrestled this temper to the ground. By 1986 I had a clear set of goals.   I was executing another five year plan and the November civic election was in sight.   When I finished my part-time studies to complete my B.A. at UVic in 1982 I turned my attention to community affairs while tending to a family business and a young family.   My goals were to achieve business, family and political success. By 1985 I was on top of my game: I was active i...