Protocol - Know Your Place
Protocol – Know Your Place So I was in this movie. Yes, while Mayor I signed up as an extra in a movie to learn about the economic impact of the movie industry. I spent a day of waiting for a scene and didn’t learn anything that I didn’t already know but I satisfied my ego’s need to be able to say for the rest of my life ‘so I was in this movie.’ My scene was a parade to celebrate the dog becoming a duke. Yes, the dog becomes a duke. I’ve had a great deal of experience working my way to the front of parades, so that’s how the first take went. The director was quite upset with me as no one was to be in front of the star – the dog – so for the second and final take I was back in the crowd applauding adoringly for ‘The Duke.’ I needed to know my role; know my place. It is ironic that politicians note the discipline within paramilitary bureaucracies when overseeing police and fire departments but don’t see the same rankings arou...