
Showing posts from December, 2018

Dad's advice on conflicts of interest

Dad’s advice on conflicts of interest I approached the civic election in the fall of 1986 with some purpose and determination.   I really had a sense that this was something I could do well so although a victory was not at all certain, I was thinking through the logistics that would flow from a win.   How would I manage family, work and a public life; what business and social organizations would I resign from; and how would we resolve the potential conflict of interest.   While my focus was to be elected Alderman, I needed to address the fact that Saanich was one of our family tire business’ biggest customers. In 1986 the legislation was not as clear as it is now regarding how a Council member could be a supplier to the local government where they were elected – or even if they could.   Most relied on case law to define ‘the rules’ rather than legislation.   I approached our family lawyer who gave a verbal opinion which amounted to ‘don’t worry about it...