Speak when you can improve upon silence
Speak when you can improve upon silence Legend has it that one day Saanich Mayor Hugh Curtis was asked what a particular member of Council contributed to the meetings – and he replied ‘about two hours’. I later served on Council with that individual and can verify Hugh’s assessment. In fact, from time to time a Council or Regional Board will come across at least one person like this. They want to always have the last word, they want to explain and show off their infinite knowledge, and they can never be persuaded that this isn’t to everyone’s benefit. Thankfully, I’ve never run into this on a corporate board – this is something that possesses politicians. I’m not without sin here - not so much for lengthy oratories but I did seek to get in a good one-liner on most nights. In fact since a high school chum also served on Council, we would practice our lines in advance and see who could make the paper. A headline was a victory for sure –...